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A laser like tongue used when speaking God's word
A laser like tongue used when speaking God's word
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: A laser like tongue used when speaking God’s word Second Sunday after Epiphany Isaiah 49: 1 – 7; John 1: 29 – 42 A laser like tongue used when speaking God’s word, an arc-light to shine through the crass or absurd. The prophet had spoken of just such a voice, embodied in Jo
A time to reconsider
A time to reconsider
by Andrew Pratt
Epiphany 3 year A Isaiah 9: 1 - 4; Matthew 4: 12 – 23 Hymn: A time to reconsider A time to reconsider, to pause, to reassess; when crisis comes with challenge, how can God come to bless? And yet a light is shining, we cannot understand that at this time of turning God sharpens wh
All the praying, all the pounding
All the praying, all the pounding
by Andrew Pratt
All the praying, all the pounding, all the crying at God’s door cannot make God more attentive, cannot make God love us more. Here through our persistent waiting we will find a present grace, grace for patient expectation, till we meet God face to face. Verses 3-5 follow
Jesus met supreme temptation
Jesus met supreme temptation
by Andrew Pratt
LENT HYMN - Jesus met supreme temptation. TUNE: Servant Song Also available in PowerPoint Format - Click Here Extract: Jesus met supreme temptation, countered subtlety with skill; ever faithful to one purpose, still committed to God's will. With no food he soon was famished, hung
Not in lofty words or wisdom
Not in lofty words or wisdom
by Andrew Pratt
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Year A 1 Corinthians 2: 1 – 16 Hymn: Not in lofty words or wisdom Not in lofty words or wisdom but in simple words and speech we will talk of love and gospel free to all and free to each... Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © Stainer & Bell Ltd, London,
Drama: That’s all you ever give us – rules
Drama: That’s all you ever give us – rules
by Andrew Pratt
Drama: That’s all you ever give us – rules! Voice 1 Rules, rules, rules! That’s all you ever give us. RULES! Up the mountain, down the mountain. MORE RULES! And you say they come from God? Are you sure that you haven’t just concocted them yourself? None of them look like much fun
God is with us Joseph heard it
God is with us Joseph heard it
by Andrew Pratt
Fourth Sunday in Advent Year A Matthew 1:18-25 Hymn: God is with us, Joseph heard it, God is with us, Joseph heard it, in a dream in deepest sleep: Mary’s child, they’d call him Jesus, now he had a vow to keep; bound together in God’s purpose, he and Mary made their way to the ce
The boy in the Temple
The boy in the Temple
by Marjorie Dobson
First Sunday after Christmas year A (second service) Luke 2.41-52 The boy in the Temple Parents were panicking, searching and desperate. Where was the child who should be in their care? Friends started muttering, chattering, gossiping, ‘Surely they must have known he wasn’t there
All who heard him were astonished
All who heard him were astonished
by Colin Smith
Traditional stained glass window in St Johns Methodist Church Hayfield depicting Jesus preaching. see also Image suitable for use in a PowerPoint slide (see below) PowerPoint Slide Size- This image is full size which is 1960 x 3600 pixels and 2.4MB The
Prayers for Lent
Prayers for Lent
by John Birch
"It is customary, Lord to give something up during the season of Lent What would you have me do without? I who have so much........." A couple of prayers for use during the season of Lent. This item will download as 09110711121598.doc Extract: Forty days alone, a wilderness of th
Three prayers for Christmas
Three prayers for Christmas
by John Birch
"The joy of discovery that moment when hope and expectation were gloriously met by the illumination of one bright star...." Three prayers celebrating the arrival of the Christ Child! Three Prayers for Christmas, either for Church or small study groups. The joy of discovery that m
Advent prayer